Saturday 16 March 2013

Crucial Editing Tips for Bloggers

Editing is a required skill for bloggers. This will help make sure that your work is flawless and will be received widely by readers.

However, this is something not a lot of bloggers know how to do well. Remember that doing a spell check on Word is not considered editing. If this is the only kind of editing you do, then your work will always be sub-standard and will make you look unprofessional.

Editing will take several minutes and will require focus and great attention to details.

Editing will help you discover mistakes you’ve missed like a typo error or an incomplete paragraph. Through editing, you will see how your post is structured. It’ll help you see if the content flows smoothly or if the voice and style is right for the intended audience, etc.

Ultimately, editing will determine if your post is going to engage your readers. It will give your readers something that’s interesting, entertaining, and easy to read.

A lot of bloggers edit their work. The only problem is they’re not doing it right. The following editing tips will help you identify mistakes you must avoid:

Bloggers do this because it saves time. The problem with this strategy is it keeps the ideas from flowing smoothly. It disrupts your flow. When you frequently stop to correct a spelling or change a sentence, you’ll never get done.

You will eventually find yourself stuck in the middle of the post, trying to remember what you were supposed to type.

Editing tips for bloggers

Surprisingly, many people depend solely on the spell check feature when editing. This is NOT going to polish your work. It may flag typos but it’s going to miss many grammar errors. And it’s not going to help you figure out which sentences are out of place.

You can’t depend on this to see if your content flows smoothly because it’s not very good in checking context.

Take a break as soon as you’re done writing. Don’t edit right away because your post is still fresh on your mind.

Go watch T.V. Grab a coffee with a friend. Listen to music. Put on your running shoes and head out. Or sleep for a few hours.
Once you’re done doing something totally unrelated to blogging go back and edit your post. You’ll have more clarity and focus to spot mistakes a lot better.

We all desire to have the perfect end product. However, for a lot of people, this desire is so strong they end up over editing. This is bad because you’ll always try to find something wrong in a sentence or paragraph. And when you keep on doing that, your work will end up like a butchered meat. No one’s going to buy it.

Using overused words

Some writers feel that using certainly, absolutely, definitely, and other similar terms makes them sound intelligent. All these do is make the readers cringe so unless they’re ABSOLUTELY necessary, ditch these words. You DEFINITELY have to keep your sentences concise.

Not checking contracted forms of words

You’re and your are two of the most common misused words. Your a professional blogger, so you should know the difference between these two. It’s you’re responsibility to ensure contracted forms of words are used right.

Misuse of articles

It’s very annoying to read something that looks like a first grader has written. Misusing articles is definitely a huge blunder. It’s very elementary, so unless you want to turn readers away and laugh at your supposed writing prowess, check how you use them especially with acronyms in the same sentence.

Wrong use of apostrophes and other punctuation marks

Misuse of punctuation marks will make you look unprofessional. The worse part is readers will think you’re not that good of a writer to screw up apostrophes, quotation marks, periods and commas!

Using too much words

Blog posts work well with as little words as possible.

Technical terms are only for a very specific type of audience

At times when you write about something that’s a little technical, make sure to explain any terms average readers may not understand. You’ll lose them if you don’t write in a language they understand. Jargons should only be used when you’re writing for a very specific audience, like when writing for an industry-related blog.

There’s no need to discuss what mortgage is if you’re writing for a real estate blog. But if you’re writing about the connection between that and finance tips for a freelancer, then you’d have to explain further.

Do yourself–and your readers–a favor and follow these editing tips. You’ll churn out posts that are great to read.

View the original article here

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